It is no secret that women like lingerie. While men often like to see women wearing lingerie, women enjoy even more wearing lingerie. Good lingerie can make a woman feel sexy, no matter what she is wearing on the outside. Inside, she knows that she is wearing sexy lingerie and it gives her confidence. The feeling of sexy confidence is just one reason why women like lingerie.
Over the centuries, women have used lingerie in many different ways. Corsets were in fashion up until about 60 years ago and women would bind themselves into corsets to get what used to be called an hourglass figure. It was desirable, in the early part of the 20th century, for women to have small waists. For this reason, girls were often put into corsets at a young age so that their waists would not get large. It was uncomfortable, unhealthy and restricting to say the least. Nowadays, women like lingerie for the way it feels on their skin as well as the way it makes them feel about themselves.
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