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Monday, May 23, 2011

channing tatum and jenna dewan

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channing tatum and jenna dewan. Meanwhile, Channing and Jenna
  • Meanwhile, Channing and Jenna

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 21, 12:24 PM
    I now agree with skunk's assertion there is no room for apathy. After you vote you cannot retract it to a neutral or apathetic stance, you can only choose to move to the other side of the fence.

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan
  • Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan

  • aristobrat
    Jan 12, 05:20 PM
    who are you kidding? what part of iphone is not previously existed in technology?
    IMO, what's revolutionary is the combination of existing technology into a single device. Is there something on the market that does everything the iPhone does as well as it appears to do it?

    if he want to call it revolutionary, i was hoping for something revolutionary.
    Someone asked you what you were hoping for, and that's it? You call it not revolutionary, but you can't give a single idea of what you think revolutionary is? :confused:

    Seriously people, is it so bad to question things?
    And the two things you question are the capacity and the price-point? It seemed pretty obvious to me that regarding capacity, for battery reasons, they'd be using flash (like the nano) instead of a hard drive like the iPod. It's quite simple with 5 minutes worth of Smart Playlists to keep a regular stream of good music flowing to a device that has less storage space than your 60GB iPod.

    does the iphone sync with outlook ? if not: say good bye to the business market
    Did I miss the part of the keynote where Steve said this was aimed at the business market? :eek:

    the iphone not being out makes it even worse
    especially for the european market where it's still 1 year away and you can get UMTS phones _today_ .etc
    Think Nokia or SE will have something similar on the market in a year? :)

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Jenna Dewan and Channing
  • Jenna Dewan and Channing

  • hancock
    Mar 17, 01:57 PM
    When does apple charge your credit card for a purchase? I ordered my wifi 64gb iPad 2 on the day of and used a $450 gift card plus my credit card. The order has gone through and I have tracking info for the case I ordered but not the iPad. The total was $829 but I still have yet to be charged the remaining balance. Have they forgotten to charge me or does it not charge until the iPad actually ships?


    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan,
  • Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan,

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 18, 07:09 PM
    Lol, serious? Sorry bro, sounds pretty much the same to me. You're still assuming that because someone compares features with you, or comments on your phone, that they are jealous of you because of your phone.

    Thats the point though! If it was just comparing features or commenting then that would be fine, it just flat out rudeness and is totally unprovoked. I was just minding my own damn business and then some of these people come out with this nonsense.

    Comments like, "oh you so you have an iPhone, my XYZ is better because of this", "you paid �500 for a phone you need a case to use", "you're in a closed platform that is inferior in every way", "you paid more money for a shiny apple logo". Its comments like these that are totally unprovoked which irk me.

    By no means am I saying that someone can't have their own opinion, but theres no need to be rude about it. The person that posted below you pretty much summed it up.

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. channing tatum wedding
  • channing tatum wedding

  • gregorsamsa
    Jan 12, 06:29 PM
    Well, if you haven't met any of these mindless droids, consider yourself lucky. I've met enough of them to be sufficiently spooked. I've got a couple of them on a forum I moderate; one has a link to Apple store in his signature and spends most of his time posting the most contrived lies about Windows you could imagine (how you cannot switch a PC on without being drowned in a barrage of viruses etc), and the rest of his time coercing PC users into switching. It's quite clear from his descriptions of Windows he hasn't touched a PC since circa 1996, and any assurances that Windows has come a long way in terms of stability and security since Win95 are met with a kind of "lalalalalalalala...." At one point he insisted that a Mac Mini G4 1.42GHz is much faster than any PC ever made. When faced with real life benchmark tests where a midrange PC blasted the Mini into oblivion, he maintained that it was due to poor knowledge of Mac optimization on the part of the developers (whom I know to be Mac enthusiasts who port the software to Windows). This is just one example, over the years I've stumbled across way too many to list here.

    It's great that people are enthusiastic about products, and most Mac users are regular joes who are just that, but it is my personal opinion that there also exists a 'Church of Apple' with 'members' who are smug, patronizing, holier-than-thou, basking in the glory of some perceived exclusivity and enlightenment, borderline brainwashed lodge brothers with a special handshake. It sickens me to no end. Again, this is merely one man's opinion, I know you wouldn't agree so let's just leave it there.

    Regarding Steve, you're darn tootin' I don't know him. Only seen him in blurry keynote webcasts.

    I consider your post to be spot on! I'm a Mac owner, but I must confess that I find most of my PC-owning friends to be refreshingly free of the type of smug, sycophantic, elitism some Mac people can't help but exhibit. Many PC owners I know wouldn't even recognize Steve Jobs, Steve Ballmer, etc. if they were introduced to them in the street.

    Their sole concern is with having the best computer they can get for their individual needs, the software they can run, etc., not hero worship. Period. Some of them rate Macs quite highly. However, their view tends to be that, unless they're able to afford pro models, they're somewhat compelled to buy PCs because of graphical deficiencies in most consumer Macs.

    Steve Jobs has achieved many great things & for that he surely deserves considerable respect. Some may consider him to be a genius. But if he's a genius, surely, like many other so-called geniuses, it's very likely that he's a flawed one. I don't mean flawed personally; after all, how would I know without knowing him? I mean it in the sense that the direction that he appears to be taking Apple in isn't, IMO (& that of many others), necessarily the best one.

    That's just an opinion. I think that those who think that SJ & Apple are beyond criticism merely confirm the excellent points you've raised in your post.

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Newlyweds Channing Tatum and
  • Newlyweds Channing Tatum and

  • MorphingDragon
    May 4, 03:56 AM
    Just like communism

    Just like Communism my arse.

    This is why I don't do phone contracts. PrePay may not be as cheap in the long run but it lets you be agile with your mobile provider and they can't pull !@#$ like this as often. Currently with 2Degrees, cant see myself moving anytime soon. Work pays me $20/month for credit so I'm happy.

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Channing Tatum, Jenna
  • Channing Tatum, Jenna

  • Platform
    Jan 9, 03:12 PM
    Where is it...:o

    C'mon Apple...put it up on your servers :cool:

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan
  • Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan

  • CerealKillers
    Mar 17, 12:49 AM
    Hahah sweet. This happened to me a couple yrs ago with an iPod touch. I put $75 on my credit card and was gonna pay the rest with cash when I was handed a receipt and the iPod Touch.

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Channing Tatum and his
  • Channing Tatum and his

  • Mac.World
    Apr 17, 03:16 AM
    And please explain, with evidence, how people learning about the struggles of gay people throughout history psychologically damages anyone. Your assertions get more ridiculous with every post.

    More to the point, where do you draw the line? Should every school curiculum include the struggles of Jews, Blacks, Native Americans, Chinese, Muslims, Hispanics, Christians, Women, etc... gonna be kinda tough to fit all that in. Or does your plan draw the line somewhere? I mean are gay people more important than Native Americans? In terms of history, whom do you believe got screwed over more and whose struggles should be taught in school?

    If you were to walk onto the street and ask 100 people which group of people were persecuted the most out of blacks, Native Americans, Jews, women or gays, I'm pretty sure the majority of people would place gays last, out of those groups. Now a liberal state like New York, Hawaii or California may add gay history to their school programs, but don't expect to see it in the majority of the US States. It's simply not important to single out a persons sexuality to highlight their importance in history. Was Oppenheimer's religion put before his contributions to the bomb? I mean is there a little star next to his name with an annotation listing his religion?

    Maybe its just me. But I simply don't care if someone was black, blue, brown, Jewish, the Egyptian god Ra, whatever... its the persons contributions, not their ethnicity, sexual pref or religious affiliation that define(d) them. Treat people equally, not with preference.

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. jenna dewan rebecca minkoff
  • jenna dewan rebecca minkoff

  • noservice2001
    Aug 1, 01:56 PM

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Channing Tatum and wife Jenna
  • Channing Tatum and wife Jenna

  • QCassidy352
    May 3, 11:01 PM
    IMO, until the ipad gets this, which is entirely possible, it will remain more of a toy than a tool, and all these commercials will be nothing but fodder for the haters.

    there's nothing wrong with toys, and this is a nice one, but these lines about doctors, CEOs, etc., are just plain ridiculous.

    Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and yours is wrong.
    -Dave Barry

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. 02/01/2010 - Channing Tatum
  • 02/01/2010 - Channing Tatum

  • *LTD*
    Apr 22, 07:00 PM
    Google at least only stores the last 50 cell towers and 200 wifi compared to Apple which keeps all of it locally.

    What exactly (specifically) is your worry?

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Channing Tatum, and Jenna
  • Channing Tatum, and Jenna

  • inket
    Apr 13, 03:06 PM
    CMD+K and entering the SMB sharing name fixed it I presume ?

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Tatum Channing, Jenna Dewan
  • Tatum Channing, Jenna Dewan

  • Sdevante
    Mar 17, 11:07 AM
    Retail theft is on the books everywhere and rooted in old common law. The States only vary on degrees (ie classes of misdemeanors).

    Not so. Where I am from (which I guess would be Chicago, Illinois, since I am the President), there is only one theft offense and nothing specific to retail. Under that statute, I'm not sure the OP would be subject to prosecution.

    I stand by my initial statement that one should not be so quick to make blanket statements.

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan
  • Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan

  • intlplby
    Sep 25, 11:36 AM
    yeah i hope it's teh snappy too... i get beach balls all the time on my fully loaded MBP too.....

    it's gonna be nice that it ties in with the other iLife apps.

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Each week Channing Tatum
  • Each week Channing Tatum

  • dgree03
    May 4, 11:03 AM
    iPads will be as great and as useful as this commercial makes them seem, when they get more features and usablity to being it closer to a desktop OS(no apple fanboys, I do not want it to BE a desktop OS)

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Channing Tatum amp; Jenna Dewan
  • Channing Tatum amp; Jenna Dewan

  • ciTiger
    Apr 29, 03:57 PM
    More great news I hope!

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Channing Tatum and his wife
  • Channing Tatum and his wife

  • NebulaClash
    May 4, 09:13 AM
    I don't know any medical staff that actually uses one on the job.

    Quick! Alert the medical community that they should stop using their iPads since your anecdotal evidence proves they aren't actually using one. :)

    OK, seriously, I think handwriting on the iPad would be a natural extension. No reason why that can't be done even by a third-party vendor using the port to hook into the iPad.

    The iPad is now my preferred device and has been so for over a year. I don't understand people who can't see the point of it. I can't live without it now. If I had to choose only one device to live with, I would give up my laptop before I would give up my iPad.

    channing tatum and jenna dewan. Channing#39;s new wife, Jenna
  • Channing#39;s new wife, Jenna

  • kresh
    Oct 28, 02:41 PM
    The thin veneer is off the vast majority of people that clamor for OSS.

    Whenever I hear the OSS crowd scream "Software should be FREE!" I translate that to mean "I refuse to pay someone for their work, thus I will STEAL it"!

    I don't blame Apple. The OSS community abused what they had and turned to piracy by stealing the GUI. Kudos Apple.

    Jan 10, 06:48 PM
    Sometimes I think, have a thought that is way out there, and I chuckle because it would be really bad to do it. Funny, HA HA, at someone's else's expensive.

    But I don't do it.

    Apr 15, 11:17 PM
    Why didn�t they post photos of the front side of the shell?

    Rodimus Prime
    Apr 23, 11:22 PM
    My answer is that I don't know what purpose it serves, and neither do you. This does not mean it's dangerous.

    Can it be used for nefarious purposes? That depends. No one really knows a lot about it. There's not a whole lot anyone can do by tracking what cell ....

    Stand fanboy crap refusing to answer the question.

    *LTD* That is not an answer to the question.
    To me your refusal to answer screams that You are nothing more than a blind Apple fanboy who refuses to think for once self. The question gave you a broad latitude to answer it but you refused to.
    This tells me if it was ANY ONE else but Apple you would be all over it. But because it is Apple you will worship it and say it is good.

    So if you feel it is so GOOD. PROVIDE REASONS.
    We have provided list of bad reasons and you have yet to provide a single good reason. You seem to be defending it so therefor you must have a long list of good reasons for it. So provide some good reasons why Apple should be data collecting like this.

    For Cell phone providers I can understand why but I have yet to see a single reason why Apple or Google should.
    At least when ask why Google responded. Apple has yet to respond and that is worry some.

    Oct 2, 03:18 PM
    Since when is Apple not a litigious company?
    That's right!
    When? Since they decided anybody can use the term POD to virtually anything!!!
    Podcasts for all!!! horay!!! :rolleyes:

    Jan 15, 01:33 PM
    Pretty terrible honestly, it seemed as though there should have been at least one more major item. Let's hope that in 6 months we get more another major goodie.


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