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Thursday, May 26, 2011

estilos de letras

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  • DeSnousa
    Apr 6, 06:33 AM
    twoodcc may I ask if any of your setups have gone down?

    Output of the team has gone down lately :(

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  • scotty96LSC
    Jan 1, 02:04 PM
    Link (http://nature.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/549595/)
    Geek tool for the computer info
    Deviant Art for the Black Dock Icons.

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  • baleensavage
    Jul 12, 04:54 PM
    Didn't they do something like this with the eMac when it first came out? It took them a while to release that eventually to the public. My guess is what happened is that they relized that there was a lot of demand for these amongst students and teachers and got worried that they wouldn't have enough to supply the schools. Lets face it, in terms of educational markets landing a school is a big deal. Losing a few individual sales is not. The institutional deals are where the money is in education. Conisdering that its now July and summer vacation there may be a number of schools in the process of upgrades.

    Either way, I really do feel it is time for Apple to drop their prices not raise them like they have with their entire product line. Most of the world is not made of money, in particular small businesses. Apple really needs to start thinking about that market. the eMac worked really well for small businesses. $800 for an all-in-one. Now you can get a headless mini for $800 add in a monitor and a keyboard and mouse and you're creeping up on $1,000. It's really hard for an IT person to convince the boss to buy a new $1,000 computer when they see eMachines at Walmart for under $500. Sure Apple's are better than an eMachine, but does someone who will be word processing and browsing the internet really need a core duo, isight, etc. etc. etc.

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  • mrblack927
    Apr 26, 03:19 PM
    You do have a brain, right?

    That's uncalled for. I don't understand what the purpose is either. Why don't you explain it if you know so much.

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  • Project
    Oct 13, 02:47 PM
    /patiently awaits shots of the iCal changes

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  • Jay42
    Sep 12, 05:52 PM
    Kinda sucks they took away the 512 model, scrolling through 200+ songs doesn't sound like it would be fun. I get annoyed with my 512 sometimes(though I absolutely love it deerly) scrolling.

    You could always just put fewer songs on it. Plus, the shuffle isn't really designed for finding specific songs.

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  • cmaier
    Mar 29, 11:47 AM
    I would ask the same question. However, that's not how patent law works in the USA. Nokia doesn't have to spend their time/money watching other people's products, tearing them apart, and looking for patent infringement. All Nokia needs to do is SOME DAY realize their patent was infringed and then file a lawsuit. That's it.

    But I am sure that Nokia knew a very long time ago that Apple was infringing and did nothing (which is perfectly their right)...and let Apple make billions...then file a lawsuit to cash in. Think about it...why would Nokia file suit immediately to earn, say, a pesky $5 or $20 million (and give Apple a chance to make the product better) when Nokia can wait years and earn hundreds of millions or billions? It's the waiting game that ALL patent holders play.

    Actually, no. There are two defenses to patent infringement called laches and equitable estoppel.

    Under equitable estoppel, if Apple relied on the lack of patent enforcement in choosing to continue infringing, Nokia can't suddenly pop up and assert infringement.

    Under laches, if Nokia unreasonably and inexcusably delayed bringing suit and Apple is materially prejudiced by the delay, Nokia can't assert infringement.

    See, for example, http://www.patentlyo.com/patent/law/troxlerlaches.pdf

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  • Eidorian
    Jul 13, 09:35 AM
    I think what Eidorian meant was that Apple should lower the price of the Mac mini once Intel lowers its prices on processors. Maybe Apple will even be able to increase the speed a bit while lowering the price (we all know how CPU speeds and prices fluctuate).Intel already lowered the prices back in late May. I don't really see a need for the Core Solo Mini anymore. I'd like to see a $599 Mini with Super Drive...

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  • Looking para Estilos de letras

  • SeattleMoose
    Apr 21, 06:49 PM
    I have my whole iTunes library on a flash drive that is not dependent on ANYTHING (remote servers, ISP, reception, etc.) other than being inserted.

    If you think cloud is great...GFU!!!! :p

    estilos de letras. Estilos De Letras
  • Estilos De Letras

  • Porco
    Nov 17, 07:32 PM
    Can i just mention something??

    I'm a musician and am very well acquainted with notation software such as sibelius 4 and Finale. What on earth would be the point in having a piano keyboard interface?? The range can't really be more than an octave, which is rather useless when writing... And even then, just to use it as an imput method would be so much slower then just typing the names of notes. Now one can press the letter 'a' and an A (the note) will be displayed. When using such software, it's not the note imput that takes the time, it's the changing of note values, and adding instructions and markings to the score. for this, the piano keyboard would be useless. What, so every time you want to write a new italian tempo marking, you have to switch to a keyboard?? sucks.

    Oh, and some people may say that it could midi record and notate what you play... but this rarely works well and even then you're stuck with the range of probs just over an octave.

    Thoughts welcome.

    I play guitar mainly, and although I can tap out melodies easily enough on a keyboard I am not proficient enough [yet] to play it a standard anywhere near my guitar playing. I also don't read/write notation (and have no particular desire to - call me a philistine if you wish!). So for people like me who want to be able to input/record notes live, it would sure beat mapping the notes to the qwerty-board. Presumably this idea could use something to make it velocity sensitive too. I think someone else mentioned using it to trigger stuff off in a live setting too. Plus this is ONE idea for something that could have many uses - if you don't see the point, fine, don't use it, you could use it for something else, like assigning pre-set value changes etc to already-input notes for example :)

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  • Estilos de letras cursivas

  • EvolutionXGSR
    Apr 5, 09:49 AM
    I never understood why people give a "Negative" to articles like these. What can be Negative about them announcing a new product. It's not like you are on DroidRumors or a general phone website where other users can show their dislike towards the iPhone.

    Maybe some of you who recently just purchased an iPhone 4 are just having a bit of buyer's remorse? Don't be such losers.

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  • ntrigue
    Jul 16, 12:34 AM
    The worst part for myself is the death grip forced Apple to modify the bars displayed.

    Turns-out, I've had awful AT&T service for years :(

    I saw 5 bars for two minutes today after driving for two hours.

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  • años hoy estilos de letras

  • fatdawg
    Mar 24, 11:23 AM
    First negative comment... my ship date on previously ordered iPad 2 has not improved. I'm better off ordering another one and returning the second one when it comes in! Arrgh!

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  • tipos de letras para escribir

  • ryano
    Nov 14, 02:43 AM
    Just installed the update (20" CD iMac) I didnt unplug anything (idiot) but my external Lacie firewire disk didnt start up when I turned the computer back on (as it usually does). So im not sure if it ignores it during the update?

    anyway, scared the hell outta me when it booted back to osx and the mouse was moving around the screen extremely slow and jittery :eek: (wireless MM). Rebooted and all seems ok....for now...

    estilos de letras. estilos de letras para el
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  • ZoomZoomZoom
    Sep 12, 03:33 PM
    I love the new shuffle look. It is an excellent design.

    There shouldn't be too many complaints about it being unable to function like the old one as a USB jumpdrive. USB jumpdrives are pretty cheap now, and many of them are so small that you can put one onto your keyring without noticing it. Buy a USB flash drive for your keyring, clip your shuffle to your pants, and suddenly the old model seems incredibly bulky.

    I'm just worried about the space. 1GB isn't enough for me, even though it's a "shuffle". 2GB would hit the spot just about right, though.

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  • CuppyCake
    Mar 26, 01:12 PM
    Viewing appleordertracker.com, some of the UK and Canadian orders are scheduled to ship before my order ships. What is Apple doing? :mad:

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  • Cheffy Dave
    Apr 29, 05:40 PM

    I think it's brilliant. I am off Apple in a big way at the moment.

    I'm sad, we will miss you so:(

    estilos de letras. años hoy estilos de letras
  • años hoy estilos de letras

  • iAlan
    Nov 13, 07:39 PM
    <Snip> Anyway I really wanted John Hodgman (PC) to take over the role of Mac - because he's switched!:)

    Maybe he will and we will have two Mac Guys on one side and a new dorkish PC Guy -- and John will be dressed differently, have a nice haircut and look a little slimmer.

    John will be the 'Pro' to show how Macs can be used for business while Justin continues his cool iLife personna...

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  • mBox
    Apr 17, 01:30 PM
    ..but still considering switching to AVID full-time for the known reliability factor...Not to scare you but reliability and Avid MC in certain aspects dont go together. Ive been on Avid MC since 2001 and can tell you that some days its a roll of a dice :P
    One tip, dont upgrade till youve read all the gripes on the Avid forum site. Which is sometimes months after initial update is deployed.
    Oh and yearly support means you have someone to call and bitch but dont expect your problem to be fixed quickly (sometimes never :P).
    Now since Im the end user and dont have to pay a dime, im good.
    But I ran my own shop and had to deal with support costs and yearly justifications (my dollar of course), then I welcome anything anyone has to offer at $299 USD (or $285 Canadian) ;)

    Oct 4, 10:26 AM
    My prediction is that next year optical drives will start to disappear from Macs and will simply be an external option.
    Exactly how are people going to install Apple software like Aperture or Final Cut? Or re-install the OS?

    Mar 17, 01:49 PM
    Humans that can survive on their own without depending on others.

    That is not true.

    A human newborn left out on their own would not survive.

    So someone must raise that child up to the point where it could survive on its own.

    And until that point, it would indeed "depend on others".

    Apr 15, 08:49 AM
    Yeah, try again. Where I work, they absolutly can keep it and I have seen it happen.

    Where do you work? And where?

    Sep 5, 03:38 PM
    Nope. It's not ready.

    We won't see an apple phone for months, at least.

    Apr 15, 04:59 PM
    its like our high school students have no rights. they can make up any rule and we must obey. :mad:

    Exactly. Its called being a kid. Luckily, you'll age out of it. Until then, suck it up and get used to it.


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