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Monday, May 23, 2011

natalie portman mila kunis gif

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natalie portman mila kunis gif. natalie portman and mila kunis
  • natalie portman and mila kunis

  • ddrueckhammer
    Mar 21, 08:34 AM
    Came home from work today to find the window on my back door busted open and my Xbox 360 gone. They left the Wii, PS2, 32" Samsung LCD TV, stereo, MacBook, a ton of DVDs, CDs, and games. Just took the 360, 2 controllers, the XBox Live camera and some games.

    Called the cops, they came out, dusted for prints (didn't find anything good), tooks some pictures and wrote up a report. I still have all the reciepts for the 360 so I was able to give them the serial number and thanks to Delicous Library, I had a list of all the games that were stolen.

    Funny thing out of all of this: I had a set of Monster Cables for the 360 which force the system to run in HD. Whoever took it will have a nice surprise when they get it home and find out they can't run it on their SD set. (Kinda assuming they won't have an HD TV if they are stealing a 360...)

    But really now, who the heck does that?? A bunch of ********* kids I'm guessing. "Oh, lets steal the $400 Xbox instead of the $1500 TV or the laptop." What is this world coming to?? I live in a quiet neighborhood. The only thing I have ever seen a cop around here for is to break up a party down the road on New Years Eve. There are families with young children, a newlywed couple, a couple friends down the road. We all know each other, nobody has ever had a problem like this.

    The cops didn't give me much hope for recovering anything and I really wasn't expecting them to. It just really ticks me off that someone can have such little respect for someone else's property. Its not even a matter of the money, my landlord has good homeowner's insurance and he is a friend of mine so I think he will file a claim for me.

    Anyway, I just thought I'd post my little rant here and toss my gamertag out there. If anyone sees rtdgoldfish on Xbox Live, let them know they are a no good peice of ****** playing on a stolen system. Or if anyone knows how to track something like this, that would be great!

    Man that sucks hard. Last year our apartment was broken into and my girlfriend's 17" Powerbook was stolen and oddly enough some undergarmets from Victoria's Secret. That was all they stole too...I didn't understand why they didn't take the plasma, stereo equipment, jewelry etc. The cops said that the theives were probably in a hurry...

    Anyway, there probably isn't anything you can do about it. The cops almost never get prints and (at least in my area) are pretty apathetic about this type of thing. In our case, they didn't really investigate too much at all. There were reports of similar cases at other apartment complexes around the area but I got the feeling that none of the police departments share evidence or collaborated on it because when I called the detectives about it they acted like they didn't know what I was talking about.

    My parents were on vacation last year and their luggage was stolen out of their car. They tried to file on their homeowners insurance but the insurance company said they had to have pictures and reciepts for everything they lost. So now my Mom takes pictures of everything she buys :) ....She asked me to run to the store and get some milk for her last weekend and I felt like asking her if I should bring the camera.

    Delicious Library is an awesome program!

    In any case, install an alarm system. We have a wifi camera system, an alarm, new locks, and the complex put a guard at the gate. Hopefully, that is enough to deter any more burglaries.

    If you guys don't already know about them, look up bump keys. They are scary. Anyone can open up just about any lock with minimal effort.

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Image
  • Image

  • the future
    Sep 12, 07:59 AM
    Film content from Fox and Dreamworks?!

    Look at the german Quicktime page, bottom left, under "iTunes Videos": Transporter 2 from Fox and Red Eye from Dreamworks!!


    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis
  • Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis

  • iBunny
    Jan 8, 10:29 PM
    I want a 15'' MacBook Pro.
    2.6GHz Penryn
    1680x1050 Display
    512MB of Video Memory

    I will be happy to sell my current MBP which I bought in August for the Above mentioned computer.

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Mila Kunis#39;Black Swan#39;
  • Mila Kunis#39;Black Swan#39;

  • Yvan256
    Oct 11, 08:52 AM
    I knew it! I just bought an Archos 504

    On behalf of all of us who want a true video iPod/PDA/etc, we thank you for your purchase. You've now pushed the true video iPod ahead of schedule. :D

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. black swan natalie portman
  • black swan natalie portman

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 08:16 AM
    Clicking that link calls up a whitepage saying Itunes store being updated ( from the US)

    Copy the link and paste it somewhere, the link points to the Movie Trailers section of iTunes videos - 5G iPod formatted movie trailers have been around for ages, that's where it's pointing to.

    Not that it matters because by the time I've finished typing this another page will be added to the thread and the link will be established as lore despite it being legitimate and not a pointer to any new video content.

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Black Swan: Natalie Portman +
  • Black Swan: Natalie Portman +

  • Littleodie914
    Mar 28, 02:35 PM
    Yes what a heinous crime for Apple to want to promote their new distribution platform and encourage developers to take advantage of it.No kidding. It's like Columbia Records giving out awards to its most innovative musicians, and all the musicians from Sony Music start complaining that they aren't eligible to receive one. :confused:

    It's not anyone's "right" to be in the running for any awards. Sheesh.

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. natalie portman mila kunis
  • natalie portman mila kunis

  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Aug 2, 05:21 AM
    Oh I don't know, just about everything? It is this insecurity thing again isn't it? Insecurity...? The only thing I'm insecure about at the moment is whether you are for real or just trolling... :confused:

    The fewer the people in a nation, the easier it is to say they are the best or the worst in certain things. Get it?Who says we're best at anything. It's not a contest... :rolleyes:

    Up here in the Nordic countries we're a small, fairly uniform, very rich, well-educated (to a degree - pun intended), technological advanced population. The marked might be small, but it's still a nice little marked.

    Do you honestly see Apple pull out of a similar marked, let say New Your city, just because an unresolved quarrel with the local government...?

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. natalie portman mila kunis
  • natalie portman mila kunis

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 18, 07:36 PM
    I find it highly unnecessary for the TSA to pat down kids, especially, kids younger than 8-9 yrs old.

    Agree on point one.

    TSA lady groped my sister's boobs one flight, as if, last time I checked there are no records of people hiding crap in their boobs.

    C-4 can be hidden in breast implants.

    Unless the TSA "lady" was butch, I would not concern yourself. ;)

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. black swan natalie portman
  • black swan natalie portman

  • drsmithy
    Oct 5, 02:08 AM
    The Mini is pretty powerful. Sorry to discount your argument, but I think that it's more than enough for people out there that aren't power users/computer nerds. Heck, my dad runs engineering software all day long on his Pentium 3 733mhz, 256MB RAM computer and doesn't feel the need to upgrade.

    It being in a small case is even better for the common user. Maybe to us, a small case seems like a bad computer, but the specs are similar to MacBook specs, which seems like enough for almost all users out there.

    Minis suck for gaming (and iMacs aren't much better). Much as people like to play this issue down, I think it's relatively significant problem for machines that are being primarily marketed at home users.

    Certainly, the single biggest reason I haven't replaced my Desktop PC with a Mac - despite *really* wanting to (even though it would run Windows as much as OS X) - is because a Mac that can play current games well is frighteningly expensive.

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman
  • Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman

  • ThaDoggg
    Apr 23, 10:07 PM
    How about establishing a "thanks" button? If we feel the post merits a thank you as it's really helpful we hit that.

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Natalie Portman Mila Kunis
  • Natalie Portman Mila Kunis

  • koruki
    Mar 17, 06:12 PM
    for the things you mentioned you should replace the word 'envy' with 'jealously' :)

    I've bought the first iPhone and have never gone back. I totally understand your situation lol, it comes with owning any luxury item. Usually its people who've never owned it themself that go bashing it. I personally haven't had as much encounters but I have friends who get harassed constantly lol.

    The antennagate thing is the classic example of a non-user/owner reading some silly article and gripping it for every attack. None of my friends or myself use a case and we have absolutely no reception issues.

    The funniest case was my friends colleague attacking him, saying it was the worse phone ever, most overpriced phone ever, its heavy! it has no flash! His Xperia X10 was miles better! Week later he buys his own iPhone 4 and stayed quiet about the topic. I rest my case.

    On a positive note, I always get good encounters with the girls at work about iPhones lol.

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis
  • Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis

  • Geckotek
    Dec 13, 10:21 PM
    Ill be handing out grains of salt.

    <-----Takes one

    I just don't see Apple creating a situation where they're going to have 2 separate refresh dates for the iPhone. Whatever they do, they're going to make it so they refresh ALL of their iPhones around June of every year. Otherwise they're going to put one of the carriers at a distinct disadvantage because Verizon will have the latest technology for up to 6 months before it goes to ATT--which will hurt apple sales overall.

    Why on earth would they create such a manufacturing and delivery nightmare??? OF COURSE they would put Verizon and AT&T on 2 separate refresh dates, it only makes sense. The situation you describe is perfectly normal and happens all the time. It's only practical for Apple to do the same.

    Will it come in white? :rolleyes:


    Is this the same Verizon LTE network that takes about 2 minutes to handshake between the LTE and 3G network?

    Yeah, that isn't happening.

    Not that I think this is happening, but isn't that issue getting fixed with a simple firmware update?

    I'm getting really tired of reading "iPhone on Verizon 4G after Christmas!" rumors on here. WHy is it that every time someone says "Oh, I've heard the iPhone's coming to Verizon in January," MacRumors puts it on the front page or Page 2? Are enough people so totally obsessed with the iPhone, they pee their pants if they don't hear a Verizon iPhone rumor every day/every other day?

    Uhhh...because that's the purpose of MacRumors?? :confused:

    Not that I believe the rumor, but the phone being LTE only will simply mean that there's one version between the AT&T and verizon phones that supports CDMA and GSM networks. Instead, there will be a CDMA/LTE phone and a GSM 3G phone. Thus, AT&T's LTE network being infantile/non-existent throws a wrench in that.

    That being said, I highly doubt an early 2011 verizon iphone. LTE, doubly so. If it's coming for Verizon, it will be unveiled/launch the same time as the AT&T iphone 5.

    Once again, this makes no sense. There are already capacity issues keeping up with demand. Apple already rolls out to other carriers globally on a delayed schedule. Why would Verizon be any different? That being said, it would be easy for Verizon to tweak a few issues found in the iPhone 4 *cough-antenna-cough*

    How about not even putting it up on the site? My question was why do they have to have a new article for every time someone says that?

    As for peeing pants, ok, maybe people aren't peeing their pants. But obviously people care enough to post these this rumor every time another site posts the rumor. I'm just tired of seeing dozens of new articles about this place or that place saying "iPhone on Verizon after Christmas!" Ok, I get it! People expect a Verizon iPhone. Get over it. This is kinda like the Beatles on iTunes, or people talking for months that Michael Jackson died, etc.

    Anyone know a good news site that says what has happened and then move on to the next news item? If this is all that MacRumors is going to post, I think it may be time to say goodbye to MacRumors. Just tired of seeing the same rumors repeated over & over again.


    Y would they make a verizon iPhone before July when they come out with a new one anyway. It's stupid I'm shure that they will come out with one when they always come out with them in JULY. They will make more money (maybe) if they do what they always do, unless apple is becoming like the driods and make a new one every month. Whatever the case may be this verizon rumor is getting pushed back and back

    Wrong, they will make more money if they stagger the release. Think about the additional hype that comes with a release. Now do that 2x a year. Yeah...it's the best thing for Apple to do...2 release cycles. One major release with a minor update on the second release.

    Actually I think this is what might happen, eventually. But rather than AT&T getting the same spec iPhone "A" 6 months later, they will get the "B" with some improvements, then the next year Verizon gets the "C" 6 months after that and so on... Where they will just keep leap frogging each other. I think the market is moving too fast for Apple to continue with just yearly updates.

    Right. One of the problems people have when they try to predict what Apple might do is they assume the past = the future. "Oh, Apple only does yearly updates, so this rumor is impossible." Well, Apple does what it does . . . until it doesn't. They don't do books, but now they do. They don't do movies, but now they do, etc.

    Apple is not a MacRumors poster stubbornly sticking to the only thing they know. Apple changes as market conditions change. If they think they can increase profitability and market share by making semi-yearly phone updates, they are going to switch to semi-yearly phone updates. Simple as that.

    So a Q1 2011 Verizon phone is quite possible.


    I'm not buying it (either in terms of the story, or in terms of a supposed hybrid phone if it does make it to market).

    The baseband chipsets don't exist as mass market components (either in supply or feature set).

    If they did, they'd suck down battery faster than you could keep the damn thing charged. I think it is pretty clear where Apple plays - technology that is applicable, relevant, and usable.

    I don't think 4G is there yet, unless Qualcomm et al are hiding some major hybrid CDMA/LTE chipsets (the LTE-only chipsets themselves are power hogs - why do you think VZW hasn't rolled out handsets, they've limited 4G use to people hooking USB cards into a 3000mAh battery that can feed that 500mAh - 1000mAh draw).

    Battery technology is getting better, and the chipsets are getting better, but not in time for a device in January. Maybe I'll eat crow, but I doubt it. If this happens (and it might), it's not going to be a great device that everyone is expecting (read: keep the 4G radio off and use it as a CDMA iPhone 4) or it's simply not going to exist. It's possible VZW needed a retort to ATT's simultaneous voice & data ploy so they included it to check that off the list and the phone will stick to EVDO for nearly everything...but the EVDO<->LTE carrier handoff isn't transparent (far worse than EDGE<->3G), so that is a usability issue in and of itself that I think Apple would not like.

    Not that you're definately wrong, but it crosses my mind that we are all assuming that the LTE chipsets will be power hogs when they first come out. But we have no idea if this is the case. They could easily take what they learned from developing the 3G chipsets to start off more efficient with the first get of LTE chipsets.

    Like I said, I'm not saying that's the case, it just came to mind that we are all making an assumption re: this aspect of it.

    I don't see that happening. It's just not how Apple works.

    Really, because Apple never changes right? Excuse me while I go buy that new MacBook Air with the PowerPC chip in it. Oh...wait a tick!

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Natalie Portman + Mila Kunis.
  • Natalie Portman + Mila Kunis.

  • manhattanboy
    Apr 5, 04:47 PM
    I'm going to start a TV channel that only shows commercials.

    Its called network television.

    No. The idea is very good in fact:

    I think Apple should release an app that just sucks down your dollars merely for opening it. :D

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis,
  • Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis,

  • Ketsjap
    Jan 5, 07:23 PM
    I love the idea of a non-spoiling keynote-experience.


    As I can recall, just after the keynote is posted online, there seem to be that much people viewing it that it just becomes worthless to watch. Such as: image hickups, buffering-probs, vid/sound synchronization-probs...

    That is if you even can connect to the stream! Most of the times, the feed just wasn't accessible!

    Don't you guys have that problem over there in the States? Maybe it is because I'm in the EU? It really sucks, I guarantee..

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis,
  • Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis,

  • Gibsonsoup
    Apr 11, 06:25 PM
    can't understand why it doesn't let me post the right pictures :confused:
    They look exactly like the original Apple ones though

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Natalie Portman Mila Kunis
  • Natalie Portman Mila Kunis

  • iflipper
    Oct 11, 10:10 AM
    Yeah, Apple isn't going to sit back and let Zune steal its lunch!

    Those who bought the 5.5g ipods lately probably are going to feel bummed.

    I've just bought one, but I bought one in the full knowledge that the 6g may be appearing soon. I've had a true PMP in the past and I just didn't use it, as what I want is primarily a music player with very occasional videos. Unless this has some real killer feature no-one has thought of yet (and I'm including all the wild speculation in this) I will be perfectly happy.

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Love Scene With Mila Kunis
  • Love Scene With Mila Kunis

  • bousozoku
    Jan 12, 12:13 AM
    Steve Jobs has always been a bit smug. In fact, his emotions are rarely reserved but then, that goes for almost anyone running a technology company.

    Have you seen Scott McNealy, Bruce Chizen, Larry Ellison, or Bill Gates? Introverts rarely run companies.

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Mila Kunis#39; Dad Banned from
  • Mila Kunis#39; Dad Banned from

  • macduke
    Mar 24, 08:33 PM
    If there ever was a piece of software to love, this is it.

    2001 was the year I built my first PC. I saved up my pennies as a bagged at the local grocery store and ordered my parts online from Tiger Direct. Wow, the times have certainly changed for me!

    I could never go back. Nothing looks or runs as smooth as my ThunderBook! I just wish that I had been on board with OS X in 2001.

    So only 6 more years until the 10th anniversary of iOS! Then I can brag about how I was there on day 1. June 29th, 6pm.

    natalie portman mila kunis gif. Stars: Natalie Portman, Mila
  • Stars: Natalie Portman, Mila

  • Timepass
    Aug 7, 09:51 PM
    Did you bother to read my whole post? Or were you too excited upon you first glorious revelation?

    And maybe I'm not familiar enough with the LCD production process, but I understood that the pixel size was part of the panel so a 24 inch slab would have more pixels than a 23 inch slab. Both monitors have the same resolution.

    I also asked how Dell claims greater contrast ratio and brightness (800:1 and 300cd/m2 on the 20 inch) than the Apple? Either someone's lying, or they aren't using identical parts.

    edit: BTW, I'm just asking some simple questions trying to clear up my own confusion, there's no need to be a prick

    umm no neither is lying. They both are using the same panel but DIFFERENT backlights. Dell back lights are brighter so it allows for a larger contrast ratio and more cd/m2

    edit: The panel is pretty much just a color filter. It takes the white light from the back light and filters it colors for what you see on the screen (it more complex than that but it is the simplest way to explain it)

    May 4, 03:16 AM
    This might be a little off topic but the following comment:

    "One of the main promotional points of Android as its popularity has soared has been the unregulated nature of the app marketplaces for the platform."

    reminded me that I have some degree of comfort that Apple screens apps so that I don't inadvertently download something which is actually a virus, steals passwords and other personal information, or does something else nasty.

    Perhaps I am unduly comforted and there is some iTunes fine print that says they don't check for that sort of stuff. Otherwise I would have thought Apple could have used the "safety" aspect in it's marketing, and created some fear for Andriod users around they really know what they are getting.

    In that way iTunes aspp store is sort of a big condom for your iPhone - pure protection.

    Apple don't look at the source code. One could make a trojan app that sends contacts information back to base after a certain date.

    Oct 6, 10:32 AM
    The only drawback for Verizon is that they still don't have the iPhone ... yet.

    I like how the commercial gives a little taste of the coming augmented reality craze.

    Oct 10, 12:53 AM
    I look forward to a first-rate biography of Steve Jobs, an American original. His life � what a story! I�d read about it any day, in any form? long after the iStuff is forgotten.

    Sep 12, 08:23 AM
    Man, I always wait till after midnight to check for new music that gets released on Tuesdays. Now that Apple has gone and changed my life in some inconceivable way again, I'll have to wait till this afternoon to get my new album fix from them.

    Apr 5, 06:04 PM
    Yeah, I get it: Apple's iAd venture is doing really badly so they created this app to try to drum up some new business.

    This app is vital if I want to be successful or wealthy? Huh?:confused:


    Whoever spends their time looking at adverts is a lost cause and has no life. Seriously I think this is the most ridiculous thing apple has come up with.

    Unfortunately, Clukas's quote above is a perfect example of how the majority of the board is reacting to this post. 'Lost cause', 'loser', 'moron', 'has no life' are all insults I've seen all over this posting. Incredibly immature and unnecessary if you ask me.


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