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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Meerkat Update

/ On : 2:11 AM/ Thank you for visiting my small blog here. If you wanted to discuss or have the question around this article, please contact me e-mail at herdiansyah hamzah@yahoo.com.
I recently (I say recently, but it wasn't all that recent what with all this not-blogging I've been doing) wrote a blog about meerkats.

The general gist of this blog if you're too lazy to read it, is that Compare The Market/Meerkat has ruined meerkats for me with their painfully drawn out advertising campaign and everyone jumping on the bandwagon has made it so that you can't look or go anywhere without seeing some form of reference to that little Russian idiot.

Well, not to get stuck on another rant about things being taken too far and moronic catchphrases that don't make sense; I'd like to clear something up.

I didn't realise until Thursday that I had never actually seen a meerkat in real life. I mean yeah, I'd seen photos and footage from that Meerkat Manor show on TV, and Attenborough documentaries and such, but never in person.

Well on Thursday, for the first time in maybe 6 or 7 years, I went to Paignton Zoo. Last time I went, I think that they either didn't have Meerkats or I just didn't see them. This time, despite my initial hesitance courtesy of Aleksandr Orlov, we made a specific effort to find the Meerkats.

I was expecting to hate them and to have a generally bad time in and around the meerkat enclosure, but those things were fucking adorable. Like so cute it almost hurts. They kept standing up and looking really wise and scared, and then strolling round like they owned the place. It was fucking awesome. I have never seen an animal that looked like it was wearing MC Hammer trousers whilst having nothing on its lower half.

Well here is probably where I would usually stick a photo, but as I'm an idiot who forgot to take a camera to the zoo, I don't have a photo, so a google images 'meerkat' search will have to do.

I didn't realise I had so much of a reputation amongst my friends as some form of over the top "non-conformist" that when it is said that I'm going to the zoo, it is discussed as to which animals I won't like because they're too popular! Well apparently I do. Tommy was highly surprised that I liked the meerkats as they were top of his LIST of animals that I would hate!

A fucking list!

Well yeah...

First of all, apologies for the severe lack of blogging lately. I just haven't had much pissing me off, or anything happening to me that could be considered remotely interesting for someone to read about.

Second of all; This. Does. Not. Mean. I. Like. Aleksandr. Orlov.
It just means, I realise I was wrong to dislike all meerkats without even having seen any because of some stupid adverts. Apologies and that to the meerkats.


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